Unable to Access Feed in Azure Devops

I was getting an error in my Nuget Restore task logs that looked something like this My yaml for the Nuget Restore task has an externalFeedCredentials input with the name of my service connection that I created in my Devops project. For authentication, I provided a Personal Access Token. I set my token to have …

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How to Test Yaml Pipeline in Azure

… without making a pull request every time you make a change My yaml pipeline was setup to be triggered by the master branch. The problem was the master branch did not allow direct commits so for a while I was making a pull request for every change to see if it worked. Fortunately, I …

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Setting Up an Azure Build Pipeline for Your Vue.js Web App

The following should give you all of the information and steps needed to create a fully working pipeline that installs dependencies, builds your app, lints your code and publishes the articles for deployment Let’s dive right in! Step 1: Create a new build pipeline in Azure DevOps First things first, head over to your Azure …

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Azure Subscription for Web App Deployment

I’m trying to setup a yaml-based pipeline and it seems the Azure subscription input in the AzureRmWebAppDeployment task requires the name of a service connection. In a legacy release pipeline under the Azure App Service Deploy job, you are able to enter the Azure subscription name and subscription id found at https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade, however this is …

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Code Sharing between Microservices

Shared Library

Code Sharing Option Chosen This is documenting code sharing by the method of publishing a custom NPM package. To do this I will take the code that should be shared, put it in its own folder and publish it to the NPM registry. Advantages of this Overview of steps Steps Create an Organization in the …

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Kubernetes Cheatsheet

Get Commands This request would be useful if you need to make a cross namespace request. For example. If you’re making a request within the default namespace in your ‘Client’ service running Next JS and you need to reach out to your auth service. Rather than reaching out directly to your auth service, you make …

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Microservices Overview

Lego Metaphor for Microservices

What Are Microservices? Microservices are a software development approach where a large, complex application is broken down into a collection of small, independently deployable services. Each service is responsible for a specific business capability and communicates with other services through APIs. This approach aims to improve scalability, maintainability, and flexibility of large and complex applications …

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Update a Belongs to Relationship in Laravel

Mechanical Russian Dolls

If you have a model that belongs to another model, for example, account belongs to user. This would be defined in the account in the following way. If you want to transfer the account to a different user, you could do the following: In the database, this has the effect of changing the value of …

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